
节日 & 正规澳门棋牌官方游戏平台

“节日 are an intrinsic part of a Waldorf school. 在WSOC, they play an essential role for our school community as they bring a sense of rhythm to life. This is especially valuable in a child’s early years. Celebrating festivals together is also a way of marking time. Throughout history, festivals have been woven into nature’s cycles. 在华德福学校, we have found our own joyful way to honor the seasons and their respective significances in our lives.”
The original idea of any sacred festival is to make the human being look upward from his dependence on earthly things to those things that transcend the Earth.


The 玫瑰仪式 occurs on the first and last day of school.
On the first day of school, the 12th graders welcome the incoming first graders. Leaving kindergarten and entering first grade is an enormous shift for children. Each high school senior meets a first grader on stage of the school’s Eurythmy Hall in front of the assembled student body and presents the first grader with a rose or another flower. The new first grader then puts the flower into a waiting vase. By the end of the class’s procession onto the stage, 有一整束, which the first-grade teacher then brings back to their classroom for the first day of school. 在学校的最后一天, the ceremony format is reversed and the first graders, 现在升入二年级的学生, 给每一位即将毕业的大四学生送一朵花, “goodbye” and to remind them of their days in this childhood home of their school. The 玫瑰仪式 provides a full circle experience through the welcoming and farewell roses exchanged between the first and twelfth Graders.


米迦勒节 (pronounced MI-kel-mus) was originally a Christian festival in Western Europe during the Middle Ages. 这是大天使圣. Michael, and is celebrated on September 29th each year.  米迦勒是犹太教的大天使, 基督教和伊斯兰教, but his festival is one that can be observed by people of all faiths and spiritual paths. (月亮之子澳门棋牌娱乐中心,澳门棋牌娱乐中心.bellalunatoys.com, 2017).
The festival includes the entire student body, grades 1-12.  The grade school children participate in a series of challenges that the high school students set up. The Festival concludes with the second graders who perform a play of St. George taming a fiery dragon with the spiritual help of the archangel, St. 迈克尔,他给了他们勇气. St .的故事. George taming the dragon symbolizes the inner courage it takes to face our human challenges.


On a brisk October day, our 幼儿园 play-yard is transformed into an autumn wonderland,
featuring hay stacks, games, apple peeling and a community potluck. The Autumn Festival is a joyous seasonal celebration for Early Childhood.

爷爷奶奶 &

在感恩节假期前的星期五, we open our doors to our grandparents and special friends for this special event.
我们的学生邀请亲戚, 包括爷爷奶奶, 大家庭, and close family friends who are significant in their lives, 去看看他们的学校. 活动包括参观教室, 咖啡和小吃, 还有一首优美的诗, 1-12年级学生的歌曲和动作.


冬天的节日 is an annual curriculum event held on the first Saturday in December.
Our community joins forces for this on campus event to enjoy student musical performances and Festival Singers, 参加每个年级的手工和摊位, 在节日里欢聚一堂. 在我们学校, the grades students gather each Monday morning throughout December for a special story to set the mood for the week. Each week honors one of the kingdoms of nature – the minerals, 这些植物, 这些动物, and humankind – and this is brought into classroom activities and decoration as well.


可能会做, 作为全校范围的节日, is a mandatory curriculum event that generally occurs on the first Saturday in May.
It is a time where our community joins together to create a beautiful event; everyone’s participation is vital and valued. We wear white or light pastels to serve as a backdrop for the splendid beauty of the flowers that adorn our campus. Our children wear flower crowns and dance and weave ribbons around the May Pole. 我们玩游戏和音乐, 做手工艺品, frolic with our kids and enjoy homemade treats with our friends and neighbors. This celebration of spring ties us to our greater human family, 过去和现在, 以一种切实有力的方式.

年度拍卖 & 联欢晚会

年度拍卖 & 联欢晚会是WSOC的旗舰筹款活动之一,
bringing together members of our community to support our school in an amazing evening of music, 鸡尾酒, 晚餐, 跳舞, 还有精彩的无声和现场拍卖.  The 联欢晚会 occurs each Spring at a beautiful off-site venue with themes that change from year to year as part of this community celebration and experience.


The 春天音乐会 is an annual curriculum event for WSOC Grades 4 through 8 held in late May
during which our community is invited to enjoy musical performances by our students in choir, 录音机, 乐队, 弦乐和管弦乐队. 音乐会在美丽的圣. 新港海滩的安德鲁斯长老会教堂.


The 高中艺术节 is an annual curriculum event for 高中 students
held in June during which our community is invited to enjoy wonderful student art displayed in Meadows Hall, as well as musical and eurythmy performances in the Eurythmy Hall.


