


自1919年成立以来, Waldorf education has become one of the largest private, 非营利性的, 与宗教, 独立的K-12教育体系, 大于1,83个国家的000所学校.
Waldorf education was developed in Europe by Rudolf Steiner, 谁是伟大的梦想家, 教育家和科学家. He was adept at observing the developing child. His goal in education was to nurture artistically, spiritually and intellectually the highest potential in each child. 课程, style of teaching and incorporation of the arts into each subject are the things that set Waldorf education apart. With great insight, care and concern Steiner developed Waldorf education. The Latin educare (the root of our word for education) means to “bring forth.” Steiner said, “Education is an art—it must speak to the child’s experience. To educate the whole child, the heart and the will must be reached as well as the mind.” In a Waldorf School competence is stressed, as every child is taught they can be an artist, 一个科学家, 一个作家, 一个园丁, 一个木匠, 数学家或以上所有人. Individuals may blossom at different times and with differing intensity, but the ability is there.
“Our highest endeavor must be to develop free human beings who are able of themselves to impart purpose and direction to their lives.”
—Rudolf Steiner, Founder, Waldorf Education


Our school began with a small group of parents who shared a strong concern for educating their children in the most positive way. These committed individuals had been involved together in a study group. As the idea of a Waldorf school began to germinate, a 校董会 was formed in the fall of 1987, and the first early childhood class formed in January 1988.

We recently celebrated our 36th anniversary as a school, and we continue to happily welcome new students throughout the kindergarten, 成绩, 每年上高中. 我们是一个欣欣向荣的, serving over 350 students in pre-kindergarten through high school, 还有几个早期儿童游戏小组.

We lovingly extend our heartfelt gratitude to the persistent, 有弹性的, and dedicated families who started WSOC in 1987. Today’s students benefit from their legacy daily, 因为他们向我们的天才学习, 启发, 还有优秀的师资队伍. We hope to continue on in the positive spirit of their legacy so that all of our grandchildren and even our grandchildren’s grandchildren may receive a Waldorf education at the 奥兰治县的华德福学校.


Our Waldorf W represents the modern 奥兰治县的华德福学校 experience, 同时向我们的根致敬.
The shape of the logo is informed in part by Rudolf Steiner’s architectural aesthetics and design work. It also references Waldorf students’ chalkboard drawings. The choice of gradient matches the spectrum of brilliance we see in our students and nods to the Lazure style of painting.

For further inspiration, we looked deeper into the Waldorf approach. The various paths our students navigate, 在这所学校和其他地方, can be seen in the distinct angles that shape the mark. A singular rounded dot found at the intersection of two lines represents brilliance. You’ll notice that this is the point where the brightest light shines.


